Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Satu Malaysia-1 Malaysia (Bahagian Dua)

The following joint Statement was agreed between the Prime Minister of the Federation of Malaya,Tunku Abdul Rahman,and the British Prime Minister,Mr.Macmillan,on August 1,1962:-
1. The British and Malayan Government have received and studied the Report of the Commission under the Chairmanship of Lord Cobbold, which visited North Borneo and Sarawak earlier this year,to ascertain the views of the inhabitants on the proposal to create the Federation of Malaysia,embracing Malaya,Sungapore,Sarawak,North Borneo and Brunei.
2.The two governments are most grateful to the Commission for their valuable Report and have accepted all the recommendations on which the Commission were unanimous. The two governments have noted in particular that the Commission were unanimously agreed that a Federation of Malaysia is in the best interests of North Borneo and Sarawak,and thatan early decision in principal should be reached.
3. In the light of this report and of the agreement reached between the Government of Malaya and the Government of Singapore,the British and Malayan Government have nowdecided in principle,that,subject the necessary legislation,the proposed Federation of Malaysia should be brought into being by 31st August,1963 .
4. To give effect to this decision, the two governments inted to conclude within the next six months a formal agreement which,among other things, will provide for
a.the transfer of sovereignty in North Borneo,Sarawak and Singapura by 31st August,1963;
b.provision governing the relationship between Singapore and the new Federation of
Malaysia,as agreed between rhe Government of Malaya and Sungapore;
c.defence agreements as set out in the Joint Statement by the British and Malayan Gover-
ments dated 22nd November,1961 ;
d.detailedconstitutional arrangements,including safeguards for the special interests of North Borneo and Sarawak,to be drawn up after consultation with the legislatures of the territories.
5. These safeguards will cover such matters as religious freedom,education,representation in the Federal {arliment,the position of the indigenous,control of immigration and citizenship and the State Constitution.
6.In order that the introduction of the new Federal system may be effected as smoothly as possible and with the least disturbance to existing administrative arrangements, there will be after the transfer of sovereignty the transition period during which a number of Federal powers will be delegeted temporarily to the State Government.
7.An Inter-Governmental Committee will be established as soon as possible on which the British, Malayan,North Borneo and Sarawak Governments will be represented.Its task will be to work out the future constitutional arrangements and the form of the necessary safeguards.
8. The Minister of State for the Colonies, Lord Lansdowne,who will be the Chairman of this Committee,and the Deputy Prime Minister of the Federation of Malaya,Tun Abdul Razak,will proceed shortly to Sarawak and North Borneo to conduct discussions
9.In order to maintain the efficiency of the administration the British and Malayan Government are agreed on the importance of retaining the services of as many of the expatriate officials as possible. Yhe Minister of State will discuss with the governments of the territories and with the staff associations how best this case be done.
10.The British and Malayan Governments have informed the Sultan of Brunei of the agreement they have reached and have made it clear they would welcome the inclusion of the State of Brunei in the new Federation.

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