Monday, February 18, 2008


"In the beginning,God"
IN this age of Mind and Spirit the physical scientist has practically annihilated the idea of the inertnessand denseness of so-called matter,and has resolved it back to whirling electrons,rushing round a focal point of intelligence known as the proton,and thus he has verified what the mystic has always affirmed,that everything in the universe is mind and intelligence.
A brilliant young genius,Henry Mosely ( ,whose life was cut short on Gallipoli, discovered a law in relationship to the electron which has brought the science of numbers right back to creation itself.
It has been known for some time that the atom is compossed of a central proton or nucleus around which revolvednegative electrons,the number and arrangement of which decided the elements known to science.Thus he discovered that hydrogen had but one satellite,helium two,lithium three,and so on all the way up to uranium,which has ninety-two.
We can thus number the elements 1,2,3,4,5 and so on,and these numbers ,placed on this principle,are now called atomic mu,bers and are much more important and instructive than the numbers known as atomic weights,for, as we have said, the chemical characters of an element depend upon the number of tis satellites (numbers) and not on its weight.
From the foregoing it is evident that the interplay of these 92 elements brings forth the whole of creation as we see it. It will also be evident that each number (element) has different propertioes, phsical characteristics,and uses in the great creative order.
In this interplay of creative numbers we, as individuals,find ourselves involved,and according to whether we harmonise or antagonise these vibrations by the control of the atoms and electrons in the part of the universe under our own control (our bodies) so will our life's experience be.
In harmony we will experience order-health,prosperity,sucess,long life and happiness. In discord the opposite,chaos-sickness,weakness,fear,failure,and poverty.
The science of numbers can assist us to habitually vibrate in harmony by selecting right lines of action-in regard to our domestic affairs,business location,vocation and such like;so that we can continually establish that condition of order; harmony,which will flood life with the glory and wonderful achievement and unfoldment.

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